A lone wanderer comes tip-tapping in the night. What does he find?
Lone in the night
Horse-feet approach
Tip-tapping, iron on stone…
A silver splash sprints
And bounds through a sliver of a stream.
A lone traveller
Lifts his head,
And calls out to the moonlit night.
A single call
But his cry is a silver-bell, sworn resonance,
Leaving ripples…clashes…And the spirits shaken.
Someone stirs..
The silent ones answer him,
The silver fades,
The shadows deepen,
And the moonlight fades, escapes to another night.
A silver wolf with wet paws,
Howls to the losing silver light.
A lone traveller
Sees the horse-ears prick up,
The horse hears the silent answer..and turns away.
Alone in the night,
Horse-feet retreat…
Tip-tapping, iron on stone.
Do you know a child who loves writing? Encourage them to send their stories to editor AT tell-a-tale DOT com.
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Very nice