The four couples and the two dwarfs,
They dance away on a black floor,
Hopping in harmony from one square to another,
Squares in black with patterns of white.
Tapping away a rhythm on the keyboard
Weaving out tales, stories and lores.
The four couples and the two dwarfs,
They dance away on a black floor,
Bringing people together, knitting hearts closer,
Carrying stories of laughter and tears,
Making the world twirl to their beats,
Swaying to a tune only they can hear.
Look around, do you see them?
They drive your life, they drive every day.
The four couples and the two dwarfs,
On a black floor, they dance away.
Technology rules our lives. Makes sense that literature adapts as well, right?
The result – the 4 couples and 2 dwarfs – the fingers of our hands, relentlessly pursue perfecting a dance that only they understand. Practicing on a keyboard of black and white squares. Creating a unique kind of tap dance.
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