Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who is the fairest of them all.
She who has gold in her heart,
And the color of dusk on her face.
Who cleans and scrubs,
While I enjoy my tea,
Who treads quietly,
So I can sleep in peace.
Who rocked me as a child,
And consoled me as woman.
Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who is the fairest of them all.
He who has the brains of an owl,
With the night setting on his face,
Who challenges my thoughts,
And pushes me to excellence,
‘I convince you, or you convince me’, he says,
Edging me on to the precipice of perfection,
Who make me prove to myself,
That I am more capable than what I think I am.
Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Who is the fairest of them all.
The dark guy whose music moves to tears,
Or the lady at work everyone looks up to,
The small boy who can tap dance his way into every heart,
Or the little girl whose genius mind surpasses all art,
And if you don’t know the answers,
Keep silent till the mask of falseness falls.